Creep-Crawlies in the Water

The aquatic environment is the natural home to all sorts of bugs, from Water Striders to Toe Biters to Dolomedes Fishing Spiders. While some are undeniably “creepy” looking, insects and arachnids are actually critical components of the aquatic ecosystem. The presence of bugs of all sorts in and around your water is necessary for the ecosystem to thrive: some are a food source for fish and waterfowl, while others help control pests further down the food chain (Water Striders, for instance, feast on mosquito larvae, thereby cutting down the population of the flying bloodsuckers). And while some aquatic bugs can be unpleasant in close encounters (watch out for the Toe Biters, which live up to their name with a painful pinch!) the vast majority are harmless to humans — and truly stunning in their variety, colorations, and functions.
P.S. If you want to identify an insect (aquatic or otherwise) that has crossed your path, or just love the good shudder you can get from an up-close look at an unusual bug, check out the What’s That Bug? website at

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