Flash Flooding Problems Often Increased by Poor Stormwater Management

Have the recent increases in flash flooding caused any concerns for you and your property? Hurricane season is still going strong and while you can’t control the weather, there are ways to control the proper methods of stormwater runoff. Stormwater management is the science of managing rainwater runoff to prevent adverse impacts on the environment.

Q4 To-Dos

We’ve just finished the growing season and this time of year; we routinely see detention and retention ponds overrun with vegetation that can clog or disrupt water flowing to stormwater drains and pipes. This type of overgrowth can lead to extreme flooding as systems get backed up and can’t process stormwater properly. Here is a before and after view.

Here is the same detention pond after complete maintenance and remediation, ready to do it’s job and manage stormwater runoff.

A strong stormwater plan includes routine inspections to check on vegetation as well as the mechanical and structural components of your stormwater system. Another effect of vegetation overgrowth can be impacts on the valves and gates or other structural components being compromised by fast growing Georgia vines, brush and even trees as the pictures below show.

While unplanned vegetation can pose problems, Littoral plants can provide benefits to lakes and ponds. These aquatic plants that thrive in the shallow water zone can be a key ingredient to your overall lake and stormwater health. Next issue, we will share a recent case study showcasing this technique along with before and after photos.

Stormwater Checklist

Aquascape Environmental has put together the following Stormwater Checklist to help you identify areas that may need a closer inspection. Our team is here year round to help assess, maintain and, if necessary, remediate your property from the extreme damage that stormwater can inflict here in Georgia.

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