Get to Know Matt Troxler

“I grew up in East Tennessee, went to college in Middle Tennessee, had my first job in West Tennessee, then moved to Georgia to work for Aquascape Environmental. I like to tell people that I’m from Tennessee, but I live in Georgia; I won’t ever call myself a Georgian. I’ve always enjoyed hiking, fishing, and exploring the outdoors. My favorite types of areas to fish are small wadeable streams—even if the fish aren’t that big it’s still fun to see what I can catch. When I have free time at home, I enjoy spoon carving as a hobby. I enjoy the challenge of carving with hand tools, and every spoon turns out unique in the wood grain color—I always use wood from trees that have had to be cut down. I spend most of my free time with my family. We enjoy being involved in our church, spending time at home together, exploring the surrounding area, and hiking in the warmer months. I’m also looking forward to teaching my son to fish this spring!”

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